St. David's Episcopal Church

Mission: To serve all God's children with the love, strength and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ

Planned Giving and Endowment Fund

Planning Giving includes yearly pledges, making a bequest to St. David’s, and identifying St. David’s in your will.  There are several resources available to learn about Planned Giving and the Endowment Fund. 

To access material about ‘Planned Giving’, click here.
For ‘Planning for the End of Life’,  click here.
For information on ‘Wills’, click here.

St. David’s encourages planned gifts as a way to extend our stewardship and support for our church well into the future.  We are blessed to have a modest Endowment Fund o accept bequests and provide us with income to support our long-term financial health. 

An Endowment Fund policy that outlines the investment options and fund management rules was approved by the Vestry.  To see a copy of this policy, click here

St. David’s Episcopal Church – 138 York Street – Kennebunk, Maine  04043 – 207-985-3073
A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion