Building and Grounds
Building and Grounds is comprised of mostly retired men with a variety of skills and talents who come together on Tuesday mornings and get straight to work on the task at hand. Since 2015, this dedicated group has been making repairs to windows, sills, doors, painting interior walls, removing brush, bush and trees on the property, planting perennials, coordinating spring and fall clean up days, and any other type of maintenance one can expect to do on a 25 year-old building.
In addition to all of this manual labor, the Chair of B&G has contracted and executed some very large jobs such as: all new flooring throughout the Great Hall and the Library, establishing a Building Repair Fund and completing 2 phases of re-shingling the roof, major brush removal, new boiler and upkeep, to name a few.
These parishioners work hard for 4 or so hours each week and then reward themselves with fellowship, good humor and coffee in town at a local eatery. If you would like to learn more about this committee, contact Fr. Andrew at 207-985-3073 or via email by clicking here.
The Building Repair Fund is a revolving and ongoing fundraising effort. If you would like to contribute to this worthy ministry, checks may be made payable to St. David’s Episcopal Church with “Building Fund” noted in the memo line.