St. David's Episcopal Church

Mission: To serve all God's children with the love, strength and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ

Adult Christian Formation

We strengthen that love and unity by reaching out and reaching in, by living and learning Jesus’ message in the world, and by embracing our oneness with all of God’s creatures and creation.

At St. David’s we provide various programs and groups specifically designed to encourage questioning and seek spiritual growth.

Centering Prayer

Contemplative prayer is an important part of the Christian’s prayer life. One method of learning more about this is through Centering Prayer.  St. David’s and other folks participate in a weekly meeting where silent prayer is experienced, along with discussion pertaining to a relevant topic, video series, or book.  Reading material has included writings from Thomas Merton, Cynthia Bourgeault, Jim Marion, Thomas Keating and Richard Rohr.

Centering Prayer group currently meets on ZOOM.

If you would like to be part of the group, please contact Suzanne Robinson via email by clicking here.  She is delighted to give you further information.

Wednesday Healing Eucharist and Bible Discussion Group

On Wednesday mornings at 9am a Healing Service with Eucharist takes place in the chapel after which the group convenes in the Library for a discussion of the readings appointed for that coming Sunday.

Special Programs

Throughout the year various programs take place during the periods that mark more sacred time such as Advent, and Lent.  To see what Christian formation programs are offered, contact the church office.

St. David’s Episcopal Church – 138 York Street – Kennebunk, Maine  04043 – 207-985-3073
A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion