St. David's Episcopal Church

Mission: To serve all God's children with the love, strength and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ

Flower Guild

“Why are flowers in Church?”  Many ask this question.  Flowers inside and outside a church building are there to remind us of “Creation”; creation of all things living. Flowers are a reminder that we were all created beautiful in God’s eyes and so we should make our church an example of that beauty.

Flowers enhance the beauty of our church and greatly contribute to the atmosphere in the building.  Whether silk or real, flowers adorn the altar year round except for in preparation for Advent and Lent. 

Although St. David’s does not have a budget line item for flowers, we are fortunate that the flowers that adorn the altar from week to week are sponsored by parishioners, often to honor loved ones in their lives.  When a particular week is not sponsored by a parishioner, every effort is made to adorn the altar with plants or flowers, at no cost, from the members of the Flower Guild.  We understand that the cost of flowers is high and that discretionary income is low.  To that end, flowers may be sponsored by a committee or a group to give thanks, or to honor past or outgoing members.  Sharing the expense may allow for more opportunities for fresh flowers on the altar.

The Flower Guild create a “Flower Form” for those who wish to donate flowers on the altar.  Flower Forms are available in the rack next to the Information Table in the Great Hall, or at the following link.

Flowers for the Adornment of the Church 2024.

The cost to sponsor flowers for a particular Sunday is $70.  Indicate for whom the flowers are being offered (either in thanksgiving or in memory of), make the check payable to Saint David’s, and write “flowers” in the memo line.  If you would like to take the flowers home following the last service of the day, please inform either the Flower or Altar Guild.  For more information about this ministry, contact Chairperson Carolyn Gowdy by clicking here.

The Flower Guild volunteers include Cindy Anderson, Kate Chappell, Deb Howard, Dennis Ouellette, Diane Pagano, and Linda Rhines.  Dawne Tilton manages our holiday memorial donations.

St. David’s Episcopal Church – 138 York Street – Kennebunk, Maine  04043 – 207-985-3073
A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion